Former Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi Has Passed Away

The Kenyan government has declared national mourning for the country's former president who died at the age of 95.

Former Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi Has Passed Away
Photo by Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images.

Kenya's former president Daniel arap Moihas passed away at the age of 95.

Moi was the East African country's second head-of-state following independence from the British and stepped down back in 2002 after mass protests and international pressure following 24 years in office.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has declared the country in mourning following the death of Moi. Speaking about the late politician's contribution to the fight for independence, President Kenyatta said, "The late Mzee Moi's steady hand guided Kenya through the restoration of multi-partyism and many other challenging periods; culminating in the peaceful transfer of power in December 2002."

Vice President William Rutoalso expressed his condolences and paid tribute to Moi saying, "It is sad to say goodbye to a man whose legacy we all feel, and we thank Almighty God for the gift of Mzee Moi's leadership. In this sad moment of great loss, therefore, let us still rejoice because of what he did for his countrymen and countrywomen."

Up until 2002, Kenya's political landscape had largely been dominated by the tenures of its first two presidents–Jomo Kenyatta and Moi–who both ran the country as a one-party state before the introduction of multi-party politics. According to the BBC, after winning two controversial elections which were marred by alleged rigging, Moi eventually conceded to handing over power to his successor and the country's third president, Mwai Kibaki.

As is often the case with African leaders who go against the country's constitution by seeking to extend their term in office, Moi had his supporters as well as his equal share of opposition who believed him to be an autocratic leader. Read more about Moi's history here.

Read some of the reactions on social media to Moi's death below:

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