New Designs from the Okayafrica Fall Collection!

Okayafrica's Fall Collection features new South Africa clothing, tees, hoodies + more.

We got new stuff!!!!!!! We got new stuff!!!!!

We got batch of new tees and more — including a hoodie and some goods brought directly from South Africa. You might just want 'em all.

Our new items include: our "Puff Puff Pass" tribute tee in celebration of Fela's 74th birthday with, our "Kiss Me I'm African" tee, — it works (we've tested) -— get spiritual with our patterned "Semi-Sacred Geometry" tee and our psychedelic twist to the traditional "Dan-Ngere" tribal mask from the Liberia/Cote D'Ivoire region.

The soft new "Okapi" zip hoodie will keep you cozy as the weather chills. Long rumored to be the "official" mascot of Okayplayer, [see the legendary post on the message boards for how this came about] the Okapi hails from the Democratic Republic of Congo — making it a perfect candidate for Okayafrica as well.

Coming soon to the store: round out that fall closet with some fresh caps and bowties care of emerging design house Babatunde in South Africa, all made with West African fabrics.


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