Sapeurs Square Off In Fredy Massamba's 'Nkembo'

Congolese crooner Fredy Massamba's 'Nkembo' video pays tribute to La SAPE in its boxing ring-filmed fashion square off.

On the heels of his soul-fused sophomore full-length, socially conscious Congolese crooner Fredy Massamba has unveiled the dapperly styled video to "Nkembo." The Makasi standout, a nod to early 2000s crossovers, offers a dose of infectiously appealing R&B in its updated spin on Santana's "Maria Maria." The sapeur-themed video sees Brazzaville's best dressed square off in a boxer's take on the runway. Watch La SAPE in Fredy Massamba's "Nkembo" video below and listen to the track in its original form featuring heavy-hitting bars from Kenya's Muthoni The Drummer Queen. Makasi is out now via Skinfama/Musicast.

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