These Polaroid Portraits Capture the New Wave of Nigerian Cool

Shot by Prince Aday, catch a glimpse of your favorite culture shifters kicking it in Lagos.

These Polaroid Portraits Capture the New Wave of Nigerian Cool
Photos by Prince Aday.

December reigns supreme in Lagos, Nigeria.

Arguably the best time to visit, within Lagos exists a party that never ends. In a day, you'll find many creatives, musical and visual artists visiting numerous events. And with something happening every night, you never know what to expect.

Here are 20 candid polaroid portraits I shot featuring leading lights from the world of music, fashion, and millennial creatives. From Wizkid, Tekno, Skepta, Ugo Mozie, DJ Cuppy, Stephanie Coker and more, there thrives a new generation—with a whole new set of values.

This new wave of Nigerians are about shifting culture, rather than sticking to traditional norms.

Click through the slideshow below.

Grace Ladoja. Photo by Prince Aday.

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