groover okayafrica
Alvin Chris

Submit Your Music to OkayAfrica Through Groover

Have a song you want covered on OkayAfrica? Submit it through Groover and get guaranteed listens and feedback!

Good news artists, OkayAfrica is now accepting music submissions through Groover.

If you sign up and send us your music on Groover, you can get guaranteed listens and feedback from the OkayAfrica editorial team, as well as potential coverage on our website and social media pages.

What Is Groover?

In their own words, Groover helps artists and their representatives (label managers, PR agents, publishers, and so on) get their music heard. Through an innovative web platform, Groover connects artists who want to promote their music with the best curators, radios and labels seeking emerging talents. On, artists can send their music directly to a selection of blogs, radio stations, playlist curators, record labels and pros of their choice, get feedback guaranteed, and potential coverage.

There are more than 2,000 active music curators and pros on Groover who have given more than 2 million pieces of feedback, 500k+ shares (reviews, playlist adds, and more) and 1,000+ signings on record labels. OkayAfrica is now proud to join them.

So, artists what are you waiting for?

Submit your music to OkayAfrica on Groover here.

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